Class: 401 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, entered in the Saanen or British Saanen Herd Book.

    No Entries

    Class: 402 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, entered in the Toggenburg Book.

    1st - 24 - Mrs Sharon Owen Treleth derryn
    2nd - 1 - Mrs D M Hearn Gorsefield Cymphony
    3rd - 37 - Mr Sam Owen Treleth Ditsy

    Class: 403 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, entered in the British Toggenburg Herd Book.

    1st - 13 - Ms & Mr C & F Baverstock &bastable Cornpitts Suiza

    Class: 404 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, entered in the British AlpineHerd Book.

    No Entries

    Class: 405 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, entered in the Anglo Nubian Herd Book.

    1st - 11 - Mrs E A C Connors Roundswell Nina

    Class: 406 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, entered in the Golden or British Guernsey Herd Book.

    No Entries

    Class: 407 Female Goat that has borne a kid, in milk, any other variety.

    1st - 3 - Mrs Wendy Webster Cossin Whispa
    2nd - 41 - Mr Sam Owen Gallant Lark
    3rd - 2 - Mrs Wendy Webster Cossin Whyso
    4th - 17 - Ms & Mr C & F Baverstock &bastable Cornpitts Delilah

    Class: 408 Veteran Goat has borne a kid, in milk, born before 31st July 2015. Any Breed.

    No Entries

    Class: 409 Goatling, over 1 year but under 2 years that has not borne a kid. Saanen or British Saanen.

    1st - 31 - Mrs Sharon Owen Nightshaze Poshtottie

    Class: 410 Goatling, over 1 year but under 2 years that has not born a kid. Toggenburg.

    1st - 8 - Mrs D M Hearn Gorsefield Cylph