Event Date
3rd Aug to 4th Aug 2023

    Class: 1006 An arrangement of FOLIAGE from the SOMERSET COUNTRYSIDE. 17 years and under.

    No Entries

    Class: 1007 A COLLECTION OF HERBS. 17 years and under.

    No Entries

    Class: 1008 Grow three SUNFLOWERS and display imaginatively. 17 years and under.

    No Entries

    Class: 1009 Grow CRESS in a recycled container. 11 years and under.

    No Entries

    Class: 1010 Make a FOREST COLLAGE using foliage, bark, twigs etc. 17 years and under

    No Entries

    Class: 1011 A HEDGEHOG made predominantly from any natural plant material. 7 years and under

    No Entries

    Class: 1012 A TRICYCLE made predominantly from any natural plant material. 17 years and under

    No Entries

    Class: 1013 A GARDEN POND on an tray. 11 years and under.

    No Entries

    Class: 1014 Make a BUG HOUSE/HOTEL using old tin cans. 17 years and under.

    No Entries

    Class: CH42 The Bindley Trophy

    No Entries