Class: 59 Novice Ridden - Sections A, B & Part Bred

    No Entries

    Class: 60 Novice Ridden - Sections C, D and Part Bred exceeding 13.2h

    No Entries

    Class: 61 Novice Ridden - Lead Rein 12h and under. A, B and Part Bred.

    No Entries

    Class: 62 Novice Ridden - First Ridden - A, B 12.2 and under and Part Bred 12h and under

    No Entries

    Class: CH11 Novice Championship

    No Entries

    Class: 63 Open Mini - Lead Rein - 12h and under A, B and Part Bred

    No Entries

    Class: 64 Open Mini - First Ridden - 12.2h and under A, B 12.2 and Part bred 12h and under

    No Entries

    Class: CH12 Mini Championship

    No Entries

    Class: 65 Young Handlers - Not to have attained their 12th birthday on the day of the show

    No Entries

    Class: 66 Young Handlers – 12 years and over, not to have attained their 18th birthday on the day of the show.

    No Entries