Event Date
21st Sep to 22nd Sep 2024

    Class: 32 Pygmy Goats - Adult female that has borne a kid, over the age of two years

    Block: Pygmy Goats

    1st - 1072 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin
    2nd - 1093 - Mrs Victoria Crockford
    3rd - 1074 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin
    4th - 1073 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin

    Class: 33 Pygmy Goats - Goatling that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years

    Block: Pygmy Goats

    1st - 1077 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin
    2nd - 1076 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin
    3rd - 1079 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin

    Class: 34 Pygmy Goats - Female kid over two months but not exceeding one year

    Block: Pygmy Goats

    1st - 1084 - Mr Mrs Peter & Karen Dunn
    2nd - 1080 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin
    3rd - 1082 - Mr Mrs Peter & Karen Dunn
    4th - 1081 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin

    Class: CH13 Pygmy Goats - Best in Section

    Block: Pygmy Goats

    Champion - 1072 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin
    Reserve Champion - 1093 - Mrs Victoria Crockford

    The Plushcourt Perpetual Trophy - 1072 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin

    Class: 29 English & Old English Goats - Adult female that has borne a kid, over the age of two year, in milk

    Block: English and Old English

    1st - 1070 - Sarah Mitchell

    Class: 30 English & Old English Goats - Goatling that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two year

    Block: English and Old English

    1st - 1071 - Sarah Mitchell

    Class: 31 English & Old English Goats - Female kid over two months but not exceeding one year

    Block: English and Old English

    No Entries

    Class: CH12 English & Old English Goats - Best in Section

    Block: English and Old English

    Champion - 1070 - Sarah Mitchell
    Reserve Champion - 1071 - Sarah Mitchell

    Class: 38 Pair of Goats from the same exhibitor

    Block: Other Classes

    1st - 1089 - Mrs Victoria Crockford
    2nd - 1090 - Sarah Mitchell

    Class: 39 Dam and Progeny (may be in different ownership)

    Block: Other Classes

    1st - 1091 - Mr & Mrs Clare & Edward Franklin