Event Date
7th Sep 2024

    Class: 1 GOATS Female Goat that has borne a kid, any age, in Saanen or British Saanen

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    Class: 2 GOATS Female Goat that has borne a kid, any age, in Toggenburg or British Toggenburg

    1st - 3 - Mrs Sally Prydderch
    2nd - 2 - Mrs Sally Prydderch

    Class: 3 GOATS Female Goat that has borne a kid, any age, in British Alpine

    1st - 4 - Mr R P Webb

    Class: 4 GOATS Female Goat that has borne a kid, any age, in Anglo Nubian

    No Entries Forward

    Class: 5 GOATS Female Goat that has borne a kid, any age, in British Guernsey or Golden Guernsey

    No Entries Forward

    Class: 6 GOATS Female Goat that has borne a kid, any age, in Any Other Variety

    No Entries Forward

    Class: 7 GOATS - Goatling not borne a kid, over one year-not exceeding two years in Saanen or British Saanen

    No Entries Forward

    Class: 8 GOATS Goatling not borne a kid, over one year, not exceeding two years in Toggenburg/Brit Toggenburg

    No Entries

    Class: 9 GOATS - Goatling not borne a kid, over one year but not exceeding two years in British Alpine

    1st - 10 - Mr R P Webb

    Class: 10 GOATS - Goatling that has not borne a kid, over one year but not exceeding two years in Anglo Nubian

    No Entries