Event Date
22nd Aug 2024

    Class: 465 Two 454g/1lb. jars of clear light honey.

    1st - 49 - Mrs Carole Brown
    2nd - 43 - Mr Peter Nadone
    3rd - 145 - Mr Jon Harvey

    Class: 466 Two 454g/1lb. jars of clear medium honey.

    1st - 128 - Mr Rodney Cuff
    2nd - 91 - Mr Peter Crabbe
    3rd - 76 - Sally Gray

    Class: 467 Two 454g/1lb. jars of chunk honey.

    1st - 188 - Mrs Suzie Mutch
    3rd - 120 - Mr & Mrs Mike & Hil Jury

    Class: 468 Two 454g/1lb. jars of naturally crystallised honey (not soft set).

    1st - 171 - Deb Childs

    Class: 469 Two 454g/1lb. jars of soft set honey.

    Awaiting Results

    Class: 470 Three 454g/1lb jars of honey, any matching type labelled with exhibitors own label as for sale.

    1st - 25 - Mrs Carole Brown
    2nd - 101 - Mrs Gael Sellwood
    3rd - 93 - Mr Peter Crabbe

    Class: 471 Six 454g/1lb jars of honey - three matching pairs.

    No Entries

    Class: 472 One frame of comb honey suitable for extracting wired or unwired.

    1st - 44 - Mrs Carole Brown
    2nd - 189 - Mrs Suzie Mutch
    3rd - 55 - Mr & Miss W J & J M Dommett

    Class: 473 One section, square or round, of comb honey.

    2nd - 1 - Mr Christopher Thompson

    Class: 474 Two minimum 227g/8oz of cut comb honey in standard plastic containers.

    Awaiting Results