Event Date
27th May to 28th May 2023

    Class: 1 A single rose stem cut from the garden

    1st - 32 - Mrs June Walters
    2nd - 21 - Mrs Charlotte Kane-Belcher

    Class: 2 A vase of 3 Allium , any variety cut from the garden

    No Entries

    Class: 3 Best house plant.

    No Entries

    Class: 4a 10yrs and under best pot plant grown by the entrant

    No Entries

    Class: 4b 11 to 16 best pot plant grown by the entrant

    No Entries

    Class: 5a 10 years and under best flower grown by the entrant

    No Entries

    Class: 5b 11yr - 16yrs best flower grown by the entrant

    No Entries

    Class: 6 Jar of jam any fruit

    1st - 19 - Miss Jenny Akroyd
    2nd - 14 - Mrs Claire Harland
    3rd - 25 - Miss Catherine Peddar

    Class: 7 Jar of chutney any type

    1st - 15 - Mrs Claire Harland

    Class: 8 Loaf of whole meal bread baked with out a bread maker

    No Entries