Event Date
30th Jul 2024

    Class: 1 Best decorated single or pair Heavy Horse

    1st - 146 - Pacific and Picasso and Mrs Marie Pennock
    2nd - 15 - Wallace and Miss Emma Heywood

    Robert Stead Perpetual Memorial Trophy H7 - 146 - Pacific and Picasso and Mrs Marie Pennock

    Class: 2 Single Heavy Horse , Mare or Gelding any age to be driven in working plough horse.

    1st - 146 - Pacific and Picasso and Mrs Marie Pennock

    Class: 3 Heavy Horse turnout drawing a vehicle

    1st - 146 - Pacific and Picasso and Mrs Marie Pennock

    Class: 4 Barren Mare or Gelding 4years old or older

    1st - 335 - Bewholme Glenda and Mr F Richardson

    Class: 5 Brood mare with foal at foot

    1st - 357 - Skelton Eva and Mr Paul Bedford

    Clarence Daniel Memorial Trophy H4 - 357 - Skelton Eva and Mr Paul Bedford

    Class: 6 Colt or Filly foal

    1st - 358 - Thorpe Hill Colt Foal and Mr Paul Bedford

    Class: 7 Yearling colt , Gelding , or Filly

    No Entries

    Class: 8 Two and three year old ,Colt, Gelding or Filly

    1st - 337 - Bewholme Princess Aurora and Mr F Richardson

    Class: 9 Pure Bred Brood Mare with or without foal, 4 years old or upwards

    1st - 57 - Castlerise Suelea and Miss Paula Thompson
    2nd - 58 - DITCHLEY LADY GEORGINA and Miss Jessica Thompson

    Class: 10 Colt or Filly Foal, Pure or Part Bred

    No Entries