Working Show Horse - Open to Hacks, Cobs, Maxi Cobs and Riding Horses |
10 |
1 |
Skewbald & Piebald - Ridden - RIHS Ridden Pony, Stallion, Mare or Gelding |
43 |
Skewbald & Piebald - Ridden - Open Ridden Horse / Pony, Stallion, Mare or Gelding |
44 |
Skewbald & Piebald - Ridden - RIHS Ridden Horse, any Type, Stallion, Mare or Gelding |
45 |
Champion Ridden Skewbald and Piebald |
A102 |
Welsh Cobs (Section D) - Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding |
120 |
Welsh Cobs (Section D) - Two or Three Years Old Colt, Filly or Gelding |
121 |
Welsh Cobs (Section D) - Brood Mare |
122 |
Welsh Cobs (Section D) - Open Stallion |
124 |
Welsh Cobs (Section D) - Open Barren Mare or Gelding |
125 |
First Prize Winners will compete for the Welsh Pony & Cob Society Silver Status |
A234 |
Champion Welsh Cob (Section D) |
A235 |
Welsh Part-Breds Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding |
126 |
Welsh Part-Breds - Two or Three Years Old Colt, Filly or Gelding |
127 |
Welsh Part-Breds - Brood Mare |
128 |
Welsh Part-Breds - Open Stallion |
130 |
Welsh Part-Breds - Open Barren Mare or Gelding |
131 |
First Prize Winners will compete for the Welsh Pony & Cob Society Silver Status |
A242 |
Champion Welsh Part-Bred |
A243 |
Welsh Cobs (Section D) - Foal |
123 |
Hack Brood Mares & Young Stock - Hack Yearling Colt, Gelding or Filly. |
46 |
Hack Brood Mares & Young Stock - Small Hack, Two/Three year old Colt, Gelding or Filly |
47 |
Hack Brood Mares & Young Stock - Large Hack, Two/Three year old Colt, Gelding or Filly |
48 |
Hack Brood Mares & Young Stock - Brood Mare. |
49 |
Champion Hack Brood Mare and Young Stock |
A113 |
Best Exhibit in Classes 46 - 49 |
A114 |
Best Shetland Stallion |
A195 |
Champion Breeding Pony |
A159 |
Best Shetland Gelding |
A196 |
Pure Bred Arabs - Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding |
51 |
Pure Bred Arabs - Two or Three Year Old Colt, Filly or Gelding |
52 |
Pure Bred Arabs - Brood Mare with or without foal at foot or Gelding |
53 |
Anglo & Part-Bred Arabs - Yearling, Colt, Filly or Gelding |
54 |
Anglo & Part-Bred Arabs - Two or Three Year Old, Colt, Filly or Gelding |
55 |
Anglo & Part-Bred Arabs - Stallion, Mare or Gelding |
56 |
Anglo & Part-Bred Arabs - Stallion, Mare or Gelding |
57 |
Champion Pure Bred Arab |
A125 |
Champion In-Hand Anglo and Part-Bred Arab |
A134 |
Champion In-Hand Arab |
A135 |
Champion Dartmoor Pony |
A204 |
British Spotted Pony - Colt, Filly or Gelding, 1, 2 or 3 years old, 42” or under. |
78 |
British Spotted Pony - Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, 42” or under. |
79 |
British Spotted Pony - Colt, Filly or Gelding, 1, 2 or 3 years old, 42” to 14.2 h.h. |
80 |
British Spotted Pony - Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, 42” to 14.2 h.h. |
81 |
Champion British Spotted Pony |
A165 |
The Price Family Supreme In-Hand Championship Qualifying Competition 2023 |
A272 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Stallion |
82 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Yearling Colt, Gelding or Filly |
83 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Colt, Gelding or Filly 2 years old |
84 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Colt, Gelding or Filly 3 years old |
85 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Gelding 4 years old & over |
86 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Barren Mare |
87 |
Standard Shetland Ponies - Brood Mare |
88 |
Champion Standard Shetland Pony |
A176 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Stallion |
89 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Yearling, Colt, Gelding or Filly |
90 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Colt, Gelding or Filly 2 years old |
91 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Colt, Gelding or Filly 3 years old |
92 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Gelding, 4 years old and over |
93 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Barren Mare, 4 years old and over |
94 |
Miniature Shetland Ponies - Brood Mare |
95 |
Champion Miniature Shetland Pony |
A194 |
Dartmoor Ponies - Mare or Gelding, born in 2019 or previously |
96 |
Dartmoor Ponies - Stallion, born in 2019 or previously |
98 |
Dartmoor Ponies - Gelding or Filly, born in 2020 or 2021 |
99 |
Dartmoor Ponies - Colt, born in 2020 or 2021 |
100 |
Dartmoor Ponies - Colt, Gelding or Filly, born in 2022 |
101 |
Welsh Mountain Ponies (Section A) - Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding |
102 |
Welsh Mountain Ponies (Section A) - Two or Three Years Old, Colt, Filly or Gelding |
103 |
Welsh Mountain Ponies (Section A) - Brood Mare |
104 |
Welsh Mountain Ponies (Section A) - Open Stallion |
106 |
Welsh Mountain Ponies (Section A) - Open Barren Mare or Gelding |
107 |
First Prize Winners will compete for the Welsh Pony & Cob Society Silver Status |
A210 |
Champion Welsh Mountain Pony (Section A) |
A211 |
Welsh Mountain Ponies (Section A) - Foal |
105 |
Welsh Ponies (Section B) - Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding |
108 |
Welsh Ponies (Section B) - Two or Three Years Old, Colt, Filly or Gelding |
109 |
Welsh Ponies (Section B) - Brood Mare |
110 |
Welsh Ponies (Section B) - Open Stallion |
112 |
Welsh Ponies (Section B) - Open Barren Mare or Gelding |
113 |
First Prize Winners will compete for the Welsh Pony & Cob Society Silver Status |
A218 |
Champion Welsh Pony (Section B) |
A219 |
Welsh Ponies (Section B) - Foal |
111 |
Welsh Ponies of Cob Type (Section C) - Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding |
114 |
Welsh Ponies of Cob Type (Section C) - Two or Three Years Old, Colt, Filly or Gelding |
115 |
Welsh Ponies of Cob Type (Section C) - Open Stallion |
118 |
Welsh Ponies of Cob Type (Section C) - Open Barren Mare or Gelding |
119 |
Welsh Ponies of Cob Type (Section C) - Brood Mare |
116 |
First Prize Winners will compete for the Welsh Pony & Cob Society Silver Status |
A226 |
Champion Welsh Pony of Cob Type (Section C) |
A227 |
B.S.P.S. Show Pony. Not exceeding 128cms |
151 |
B.S.P.S. Show Pony. Exceeding 128cms and not exceeding 138cms |
152 |
B.S.P.S. Show Pony. Exceeding 138cms and not exceeding 148cms |
153 |
Champion Children’s Riding Pony |
A304 |
B.S.P.S. Intermediate Show Riding Type. Exceeding 146cms but not exceeding 153cms. |
154 |
B.S.P.S. Intermediate Show Riding Type. Exceeding 153cms but not exceeding 158cms. |
155 |
B.S.P.S. Open Intermediate Show Hunter Type. Exceeding 148cms and not exceeding 158cms. |
156 |
Mountain & Moorland Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over not exceeding 122cms (12.0 h h) |
164 |
Champion Intermediate Show Pony |
A311 |
B.S.P.S. Open Pony of Show Hunter Type. Exceeding 143cms and not exceeding 153cms |
157 |
B.S.P.S. Open Pony of Show Hunter Type, exceeding 133cms (13.0 h.h.) |
158 |
B.S.P.S. Open Pony of Show Hunter Type. Exceeding 122cms and not exceeding 133cms |
159 |
B.S.P.S. Open Pony of Show Hunter Type. Not exceeding 122cms |
160 |
Champion Open Show Hunter Pony |
A316 |
Side Saddle - Equitation Championships Open Qualifying |
172 |
Side Saddle - Equitation Championships Open Qualifying Leading Rein |
172b |
Side Saddle - Equitation Championships Open Qualifying - Juniors |
172c |
Side Saddle - Costume Concours D’Elegance |
173 |
Childs Pony on Leading Rein |
161 |
Tattersalls RoR OPEN In-Hand Show Series Qualifier 2023 |
174 |
Tattersall RoR Open Ridden Show Series Qualifier 2024 |
175 |
Tattersalls RoR Former Racehorse Challenge Show Series Qualifier 2023 |
176 |
Champion Retraining of Racehorses |
A344 |
First Ridden Pony |
162 |
Childs Pony of Hunter Type on Leading Rein |
163 |
Champion Leading Rein Pony |
A321 |
Champion Mountain & Moorland Pony |
A330 |
Champion Pony from Classes 161 - 163 |
A322 |
Mountain & Moorland Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over not exceeding 128cms (12.2 h h) |
165 |
B.S.P.S. Cradle Stakes, not exceeding 122cms |
166 |
B.S.P.S. Nursery Stakes, not exceeding 133cms |
167 |
B.S.P.S. Working Hunter Pony, not exceeding 133cms |
168 |
B.S.P.S. Working Hunter Pony, exceeding 133cms and not exceeding 143cms |
169 |
B.S.P.S. Working Hunter Pony, exceeding 143cms and not exceeding 153cms |
170 |
B.S.P.S. Intermediate Working Hunter, exceeding 148cms and not exceeding 158cms. |
171 |
Champion Mini Working Hunter Pony |
A333 |
Champion Working Hunter Pony |
A338 |