One pot of flowering plant(s) |
B1 |
One container of Sweet Peas |
A1 |
An established container, or containers, for the patio (flowering) |
F1 |
One pot or pan of growing salad leaves |
E1 |
Years 1 - 6: Garden in a seed tray |
D1 |
A Table Exhibit, to be viewed all round |
C1 |
One pot of foliage plant(s) |
B2 |
One container of Roses |
A2 |
An established container for the patio (foliage) |
F2 |
Peas |
E2 |
Years 7 - 11: Garden in a seed tray |
D2 |
A Buttonhole or Corsage |
C2 |
One pot, Pelargonium(s) |
B3 |
A hanging container with flowering plants |
F3 |
One pot, Fuchsia(s) |
B4 |
Years 1 - 6: A Creature |
D3 |
One container of Roses |
A3 |
A Floral Exhibit depicting Herefordshire |
C3 |
Radish |
E3 |
Years 7 - 11: A Creature |
D4 |
A hanging container with foliage plants |
F4 |
One pot, Orchid |
B5 |
Sweet Williams |
A4 |
Broad beans |
E4 |
Rhubarb - natural |
E5 |
Years 1 - 6: A bunch of flowers in a jam jar |
D5 |
One vase of annuals |
A5 |
Cactus |
B6 |
A novelty craft-based display |
F5 |
One vase of herbaceous perennials |
A6 |
A novelty plant-based display |
F6 |
Years 7 - 11: A bunch of flowers in a jam jar |
D6 |
One dish of fruit |
E6 |
Succulent |
B7 |
Years 1 - 6: One pot Radish |
D7 |
One pan, Alpine. |
B8 |
Herbs |
E7 |
One vase of mixed herbaceous perennials |
A7 |
One vase of one cultivar or species of flowering shrub |
A8 |
Years 7 - 11: One pot Radish |
D8 |
Potatoes |
E8 |
One Hosta |
B9 |
One Miniature Hosta |
B10 |
One vase of summer bulbs |
A10 |
Years 1 - 6: One pot of summer flowering plant(s) |
D9 |
One Fern |
B11 |
Frontal display of cut hosta leaves |
A11 |
Any other vegetable, one dish of 6. |
E9 |
Years 7 - 11: One pot of summer flowering plant(s) |
D10 |
One climbing plant, flowering |
B12 |
One bowl of floating flower heads |
A12 |
One container of cut fern fronds |
A13 |
One vase of mixed flowering shrubs |
A9 |
One vase of 5 Pelargonium stems |
A14 |