Children's Classes 7 Years & Under

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 1 5 Decorated Cup Cakes – Theme: ‘Birds Nest’. Decoration only to be judged.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 2 Collage of a Beehive. Maximum size A4.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 3 A ‘Cress Head’. Cress grown in a decorated eggshell or yogurt pot.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 4 A painting of your favourite Spring flower or blossom


Paint a flower or blossom that you would find in Spring. Maximum size A4.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00

Children's Classes 8 to 12 Years

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 5 A Decorated Cake – Theme: ‘Springtime on the Farm’. Decoration only to be judged.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 6 A Garden Bird House.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 7 A Container of Growing Herbs. 2 or more varieties. Judged for colour.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 8 A poster about how we can protect the countryside. Maximum size A4.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00

Egg Section (Plates or saucers will be provided for judging purposes)

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 9 One Duck Egg

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 10 6 Hens Eggs, white.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 11 6 Hens Eggs, brown

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 12 6 Hens Eggs, any colour other than white or brown

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 13 6 Bantam Eggs- not to exceed 1.5 ounces or 42.5 grams, any colour.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 14 One Decorated Egg


All ages, with special prize for an entrant under 16 on 10/05/2025

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00

Preserves Section

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 15 Jar of Marmalade, citrus fruit only.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 16 Jar of Stoned Fruit Jam.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 17 Jar of Berry Fruit Jam.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 18 Jar of Chutney

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 19 Jar of Pickled Onions.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 20 A Small Bottle of Homemade Fruit Liqueur.


To be displayed in a clear bottle, labelled with the type of fruit and date.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00

Home Baking Section

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 21 Victoria Sandwich Cake


Please use the following recipe:
200g caster sugar
200g softened butter
4 eggs, beaten
200g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp milk
For the filling
100g butter, softened
140g icing sugar, sifted
drop vanilla extract (optional)
half a 340g jar good-quality strawberry jam
icing sugar, to decorate
STEP 1 - Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Butter two 20cm sandwich tins and line with non-stick baking paper. In a large bowl, beat 200g caster sugar, 200g softened butter, 4 beaten eggs, 200g self-raising flour, 1 tsp baking powder and 2 tbsp milk together until you have a smooth, soft batter.
STEP 2 - Divide the mixture between the tins, smooth the surface with a spatula or the back of a spoon. Bake for about 20 mins until golden and the cake springs back when pressed. Turn onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.
STEP 3 - To make the filling, beat the 100g softened butter until smooth and creamy, then gradually beat in 140g sifted icing sugar and a drop of vanilla extract (if you’re using it). Spread the buttercream over the bottom of one of the sponges. Top it with 170g strawberry jam and sandwich the second sponge on top. Dust with a little icing sugar before serving.

Kindly Sponsored By: Roger Merryweather

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 22 Tea Loaf


Please use the following recipe:
170g sultanas
170g raisins
1 orange, zested
300ml hot strong Earl Grey or Lady Grey tea
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
250g self-raising flour
200g light soft brown sugar
butter, for greasing, plus extra to serve

STEP 1 - Mix the sultanas, raisins and orange zest in a large mixing bowl. Pour over the tea and cover the bowl. Leave to sit for a minimum of 6 hours or ideally overnight to allow the dried fruit to soak up all the liquid.

STEP 2 - Heat the oven to 180C/160 fan/gas 4. Grease and line a 900g loaf tin. Add the eggs, flour and sugar to the soaked fruit, ensuring everything is well combined. Spoon the mixture into the tin and place in the centre of the oven for 1 hour 30 mins or until firm to the touch. Leave to cool in the tin for 15 mins before transferring to a wire rack.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 23 5 Fruit Scones

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 24 6 Shortbread Fingers

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 25 1 Farmhouse Loaf of Bread (to given recipe)


Please use the following recipe:
500g strong white bread flour
Extra flour, for dusting
300ml tepid water
7g fast action dried yeast
2tsp fine sea salt
1tsp caster sugar
25ml olive oil

STEP 1 - Combine the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Combine the dried yeast, sugar and a little of the tepid water in a small jug and allow it to activate for 2 minutes. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour the yeast mixture and the rest of the water into it.

Step 2 - Bring together the ingredients using a wooden spoon to begin with, and then your hands to make a soft dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead for 10-12 minutes until smooth and elastic. Lightly oil a large bowl and sit the dough in it and cover with a damp tea towel.

Step 3 - Leave the dough to prove for 45-60 minutes in a warm place until doubled in size. Tip out onto a lightly floured work surface and knock the dough back, kneading for 2-3 minutes. Shape into a boule-shaped round. Oil a baking tray and transfer the dough to it. Cover with a lightly oiled piece of clingfilm and allow to prove again in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

Step 4 - Pre-heat the oven to 220°C.

Step 5 - Make a few incisions in the top of the dough and dust with a little flour. Bake for 25-35 minutes until golden and cooked through. Remove and allow to cool completely on a wire rack.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00

Cake Decorating

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 26 A Decorated Cake, Theme: ‘VE Day Celebration’


Any type of icing. Decoration only to be judged.
Max size 50cm x 50cm

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00

Garden Produce Section

Lady Eastwood
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 27 A Chilli Plant


All ages, with special prize for entrant under 16 on 10/05/2025

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 28 Asparagus (8 spears)

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 29 Beetroot (3, any variety, with tops)

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 30 Broad Beans, 6 pods with growth point attached.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 31 Jar of Cut Herbs. Minimum of 4 varieties.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 32 A Container of Growing Herbs, 2 or more varieties.


Maximum size of container 60cm x 60cm or 60cm in diameter.

Kindly Sponsored By: Roger Merryweather

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 33 A Container of Salad Leaves. Judged for Colour.


Maximum size of container 60cm x 60cm or 60cm in diameter.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 34 Root of New Potatoes, entire root must be displayed with haulm and tops. Any variety.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 35 Radishes, bunch of 12, with tops. Any variety.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 36 Rhubarb, 5 sticks, heel attached, and leaves trimmed to 8cm.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 37 Spinach, perpetual, one handful.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 38 Spring onions, bunch of 12. Any variety, bulbs to exceed15mm, leaves to exceed 25cm.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 39 Spring Cabbage, 1 pair. Any variety.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 40 Sprouting Broccoli, 6 stems. Any variety.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00
Class: 41 Any item of Garden Produce not previously not listed

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £3 and 3rd - £2

Price: £2.00