Heavy Horse Young Handler

These classes are FREE to enter but must be entered before the closing date of entries. No entries on the day.

Conditions of entry:
• Owners of the horse must ensure that the young person can control the horse being shown.
• The judge has the authority to ask any exhibitor not having sufficient control of his/her animal to leave the ring.
Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 (A & B)
Mr T Bull (Judge)
Class: 102 Heavy Horse Young Handler


Handler to be over 12 years of age and not exceeding 18 years of age (i.e., not to have attained 18th birthday on day of Show). Stallions cannot be exhibited in this class. Horses to be registered in the main British Stud Books of the Shire, Clydesdale, Suffolk, or Percheron Horse Societies

Prizes: 1st - £15, 2nd - £10 and 3rd - £5

Price: £0.00

Harness Classes

These classes are FREE to enter but must be entered before the closing date of entries. No entries on the day.

The harness classes will be judged together in the Sir Eastwood ring, but each class will have separate awards.
All entries are required to take part in the Heavy Horse prize winners’ parade which will take place after the class.
Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 A
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 103 Traditional Brass Harness

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £0.00
Class: 104 Decorated Harness – other regional style decorations, flowers, ribbons, wool, etc.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £0.00

Ridden Heavy Horse

Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 (A & B)
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 105 Ridden Heavy Horse


This competition is for purebred Mares and Geldings 4 years old or over, that are registered in the main British Stud Books of the Shire, Clydesdale, Suffolk or Percheron Horse Societies, to be ridden. Partbreds are not eligible to compete. All Riders and Owners must be members of either the Shire Horse Society, The Clydesdale Horse Society, The Suffolk Horse Society or British Percheron Horse Society.

Horses will not be ridden by the judge but will be required to give a short individual show at walk, trot, and canter or a set show lasting approximately 2 minutes. Change of rein and lengthened strides in trot and canter must be shown. Horses will then be ‘stripped’ for the conformation stage. The class will be judged on performance and obedience as a riding horse.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00

Clydesdale Horse In-Hand Classes

This competition is for purebred colts, fillies, mares and geldings that are registered in the main stud book of the Clydesdale Horse Society.

Classes will be split by breed if there are sufficient entries.
Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 B
Mr T Bull (Judge)
Class: 106 Clydesdale Gelding


3 years old and over

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 107 Clydesdale Barren Mare


3 years old and over

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 108 Clydesdale Brood Mare


To be shown with foal at foot.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 109 Clydesdale Foal, Colt or Filly


To be 3 weeks old or over on the day of the show.

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £10

Price: £10.00
Class: 110 Clydesdale Yearling


Colt, Filly or Gelding.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 111 Clydesdale Two Year Old


Colt, filly or gelding

If sufficient entries, this class will be split.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00

Percheron Horses In-Hand Classes

This competition is for purebred colts, fillies, mares and geldings that are registered in the main stud book of the Percheron Horse Society.

Classes will be split by breed if there are sufficient entries.
Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 B
Mr T Bull (Judge)
Class: 116 Percheron Gelding


3 years old and over.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 117 Percheron Barren Mare


3 years old and over

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 118 Percheron Brood Mare


To be shown with foal at foot.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 119 Percheron Foal, Colt or FIlly


To be 3 weeks old or over on the day of the show.

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £10

Price: £10.00
Class: 120 Percheron Yearling


Colt, Filly or Gelding

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 121 Percheron Two Year Old


Colt, Filly or Gelding

If sufficient entries, this class will be split.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00

Suffolk Horses In-Hand Classes

This competition is for purebred colts, fillies, mares and geldings that are registered in the main stud book of the Suffolk Horse Society.

Classes will be split by breed if there are sufficient entries.
Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 B
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 126 Suffolk Gelding


4 years old and over

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 127 Suffolk Mare


4 years old and over, with or without foal at foot.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 128 Suffolk Foal, Colt or Filly


To be 3 weeks old or over on the day of the show.

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £10

Price: £10.00
Class: 129 Suffolk Yearling


Colt, Filly or Gelding

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 130 Suffolk Two Year Old



Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 131 Suffolk Two & Three Year Old


Filly or Gelding

If sufficient entries, this class will be split.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00

Shire In-Hand

• This Show is affiliated to the Shire Horse Society and Classes will be judged in accordance with its Rules.
• All horses, except geldings, to be registered in the Stud Book of the Shire Horse Society or the SHS Grade A or Grade B Register and owners must be members of the SHS. Foals out of Grade A or Grade B Register mares, by a Shire stallion, are eligible to compete in the Class for foals. This ruling, however, does not apply to yearlings, or older colts, which must be out of fully registered mares.
• Only one person will be allowed to enter the Ring with each animal, except for the purpose of Trotting out (Foals & Yearlings Only) if necessary. Two people may be allowed with the consent of the stewards.
• Entries cannot be accepted from any person who has been removed from membership of the Shire Horse Society or, has been excluded from exhibiting for prizes at shows, sales or exhibitions or, from taking part in any show organised by the SHS.
Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 A
To Be Confirmed (Judge)
Class: 136 Shire Gelding


3 years old and over

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 137 Shire Barren Mare


3 years old and over

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 138 Shire Brood Mare


To be shown with foal at foot.

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 139 Shire Foal, Colt or Filly


To be 3 weeks old or over on the day of the show.

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £10

Price: £10.00
Class: 140 Shire Yearling


Colt, Filly or Gelding

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00
Class: 141 Shire Two Year Old


Colt, Filly or Gelding

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £22.00

Shire Horse of the Year Championship Supported by The Shire Horse Society

Sir John Eastwood Ring 2 B
To Be Confirmed (Judge)


This class is a qualifier for the Shire Horse of the Year Championship, to be held at the Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham, 8th – 12th October 2025. This class is open to pure bred fully registered shires of two years old and over that are entered and exhibited in their appropriate breed classes at Qualifying Shows. This class will be run in accordance with the general rules as set out in the Horse of the Year Show rulebook, a copy of which can be downloaded from www.hoys.co.uk
The Shire Horse Society reserve the right to share your membership data with Grandstand Media Limited in compliance with the Horse of The Year Show (HOYS) Rules and Regulations. This sharing is for the purpose of HOYS matters to include, but not limited to, qualification or disciplinary. For further details regarding the use of data for Horse of The Year Show qualifiers please refer to www.hoys.co.uk

Prizes: 1st - £35, 2nd - £25, 3rd - £20 and 4th - £10

Price: £40.00