Conditions: These classes are open to female goats in milk of any age and that are entered in the relevant section of the Herd Book
The Milking Competition will be carried out and the Awards will be made in accordance with the British Goat Society’s Regulations, points being awarded for yield, length of lactation, percentage of butterfat and protein.
The results will be announced after the show and prize winners notified. Results will be posted to the shows website,
Mr Richard Wood (Judge)
Class: 1051 First Kidders

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1052 Second & Subsequent Kidders

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00


Conditions: These classes are open to female goats of any age, which have borne a kid, are in milk, and are entered in the relevant section of the Herd Book. ALL GOATS IN MILK TO BE SHOWN WITH EMPTY UDDERS
Mr Richard Wood (Judge)
Class: 1053 Goats in Milk - Saanen or British Saanen

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1054 Goats in Milk - British Alpine

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1055 Goats in Milk - British Toggenburg or Toggenburg

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1056 Goats in Milk - Anglo - Nubian

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1057 Goats in Milk - Golden or British Guernsey

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1058 Any Other Variety

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00


Conditions: These classes are open to goatlings that are over one but not exceeding two years
old, have not borne a kid, and entered in the relevant section of the Herd Book.
Goatling classes may be amalgamated if insufficient entries are received at the discretion of the
Chief Steward
Mr Richard Wood (Judge)
Class: 1060 Goatlings - Saanen or British Saanen


Saanen or British Saanen

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1061 Goatlings - British Alpine


British Alpine

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1062 Goatlings - British Toggenburg or Toggenburg


British Toggenburg or Toggenburg

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1063 Goatlings - Anglo - Nubian


Anglo - Nubian

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1064 Goatlings - Golden or British Guernsey


Golden or British Guernsey

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1065 Goatlings - Any Other Variety


Any Other Variety

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00


Conditions: These classes are open to female kids that are over two months old but not exceeding one year and that are entered in the relevant section of the Herd Book. Kid classes
may be amalgamated if insufficient entries are received at the discretion of the Chief Steward
Mr Richard Wood (Judge)
Class: 1067 Female Kid - Saanen or British Saanen


Saanen or British Saanen

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1068 Female Kid - British Alpine


British Alpine

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1069 Female Kid - British Toggenburg or Toggenburg


British Toggenburg or Toggenburg

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1070 Female Kid - Anglo - Nubian


Anglo - Nubian

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1071 Female Kid - Golden or British Guernsey


Golden or British Guernsey

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00
Class: 1072 Female Kid - Any Other Variety


Any Other Variety

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £15 and 3rd - £5

Price: £6.00


Mr Richard Wood (Judge)
Class: 1075 Young Handler


Not to have attained their 18th birthday on the day of the Show.

Prizes: 1st - £10

Price: £0.00
Class: 1076 Novice Handler

Prizes: 1st - £10

Price: £0.00