Big Sheep

All large sheep with lots of wool
Ring 1
Mrs Laura Burt (Judge)
Class: 2 Wooly Sheep


A class for sheep that are wooly.

Prizes: 1st - £10, 2nd - £20 and 3rd - £30

Price: £14.00
Class: 3 Very Wooly Sheep


A class for sheep that are very wooly.

Kindly Sponsored By: ShowingScene Ltd

The UK's leading Show Management System

Dedicated to exceptional customer service

Prizes: 1st - £20, 2nd - £30 and 3rd - £40

Price: £7.00
Class: 99 Young Handler: 12 years and under.


A class for young handlers aged 12 years and under.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £6 and 3rd - £7

Advanced Entries: £12.00 (£18.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £18.00 (£24.00 for non members)

Young Handlers

All little lambs with child handlers
Ring 2
Mrs Natalie Hadfield (Judge)
Class: 4 Young Handler: 12 years and under.


A class for young handlers aged 12 years and under.

Prizes: 1st - £5, 2nd - £6 and 3rd - £7

Advanced Entries: £12.00 (£18.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £18.00 (£24.00 for non members)
Class: 5 Young Handler: 13-18 years


A class for young handlers age 13-18 years.

Advanced Entries: £12.00 (£18.00 for non members)
Standard Entries: £18.00 (£24.00 for non members)